Hapa Mama

Monday, July 23, 2012

Find Me at HapaMama.com!

Looking for HapaMama? This was my experimental site created years ago, call it the pre-launch beta version, if you live in Silicon Valley ;)

Anyway, come visit my new site at HapaMama.com!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Hapa Moment

Hubby and I went out for dinner with the kids tonight... and the wood-fired pizza place we attempted to go to was too crowded... so I steered us toward the neighborhood sushi joint. It's kid-friendly, situated in the middle of an atrium so the little ones can run around, and I've been there so many times that the owner loves the boys and even comes around to wipe their faces with hot towels.

Lo and behold, we walk in the doors, and the whole place is populated with little brown-haired, almond-eyed kids. There are two other families eating in the restaurant (it's really tiny)... one is I guess — Korean? — woman with her white husband and two little boys... the other is a Japanese surfer guy with his white wife and their two boys. Then another family walked in. They were all white. Oh well.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hapa Mama is Born!

After months of talking about this, I am finally sitting down to create this blog of mine. The boys are off on a walk with my mom, who is attempting to comandeer the double jogging stroller for the first time, so I'm going to take a few minutes to introduce myself and my world.

I am a 34-year old Taiwanese American woman married to white man. We have two little hapa boys (hence the name of this blog) and I stay home full-time to take care of them. You have seen me — or someone like me — pushing a shopping cart at Costco, clapping my hands at yet another Gymboree class, and chugging lattes at Peet's. The reactions I get when I tell people what I do are quite varied:

So, you haven't gone back to work yet?

Oh, I have to work.

Good for you! Why bother having kids if you just dump them off at daycare?

When do you get to do things without the kids?

My life is a mixture of laughter, boredom, frustration, daydreams about the day when my boys don't need me every minute, wishing they could stay babies forever, envy of women who manage to have the career and the children, guilt that I am not doing my part to support the family, and thankfulness that we are managing to live the life we have chosen.
Check back often, and take a look inside the world of a Hapa Mama...